Our Story

Anyone for a game of FAZED? This is the opening line of Glenn D. Glasgow’s book of (almost) the same name, Phzed, but it’s also at the heart of what his company is about.After losing part of his left leg and toes due to Gangrene, it would have been easy for Glenn – and anybody in that situation – to succumb to victimhood. In fact, it would have been justified. After all, who wouldn’t be fazed by something so traumatic and unexpected?
While recovering in the hospital, Glenn found hope in his family and friends who reminded him of how wonderful life still was (he was alive! he survived!) – and could continue to be, even in the face of adversity. This unwavering message of hope finally clicked when he looked over at his roommate who, unlike him with his visitors, only had his TV and phone as his companion.
Wouldn’t it be great, he thought, if there was a way to give hope back to someone who was also facing the same level of adversity as he? Thus, the idea of Phzed was born…though it wouldn’t be until much later when a friend asked to add one of his quotes to a t-shirt that the idea would blossom into what it is today.
The first mention of Phzed can be found in his book of the same name, published in 2007. The story takes readers of all ages on a journey through time, connecting everything from how the pyramids were made to the construction of Noah’s Ark through the lens of archaic and modern-day tools, like Ed the Screwdriver, Dae the Trowel, and Porter, the Nail Gun. These connections were made through a game the colorful characters played, titled Phase, which centered on linking a word or phrase to the ones mentioned before it.
At Porter, the Nail Gun’s insistence, the name of the game was updated to Phzed. But Phzed developed a deeper meaning outside of the book. It was a word that could describe what it meant to take an unknown path. It was a way to keep up with wherever the winding road took you. Good or bad, you had to adapt…and that’s what keeps Glenn on this path of creation.
All of the inspirational quotes you see on this website are developed by Glenn, and they are all taken from his three books – Phzed,Little Orphan Andy, and Our Market. His favorite quote, “Prayers are answered in the order of which they are received, so hang in there,” was created to appeal to anyone, who like him, is at a crossroads and struggling with self-doubt and making adjustments to their everyday life, due to unforeseen circumstances.
For Glenn, forging a new path has led to the development of his company and the ability to inspire people when they need it most. In fact, that’s why a fish was chosen as Phzed’s mascot! The fish is a world-recognized symbol, representing free spirit and the instinctive drive to survive. Though fish may be different colors and live in foreign oceans, they share the same survival instinct…just like us.
At Phzed, you’ll have your pick of t-shirts, posters, and audio clips – recorded by Glenn himself – with custom inspirational quotes that will resonate with you regardless of what you’re dealing with. Sometimes, we all need a pick me up and a reminder that, though our struggles may seem isolated, we’re never truly alone. Like the great fish, there is beauty in this journey.
If there’s one quote Glenn has developed that sums up his journey, both in his personal life and professionally, it’s, “Do what others wouldn’t. Say what others can’t. Go where others won’t, and live a life free of could’ve, would’ve, and should’ve.”
Thank you for joining us on this journey. We hope you find the inspiration your soul is searching for.
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